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Application - Subscription based Whistle-Blower, Grievance and Suggestion
iSuggestNow is a subscription based Speak-Up (Whistle Blower), Grievance and Suggestion system which is available for Organization-wide usage. iSuggestNow has been developed using Microsoft’s Windows Azure platform and hosted on Microsoft’s data center. iSuggestNow has built-in configurable workflow for speak up, grievance and suggestion assessment & approval process, that provides automatic proactive notification for reminders as well escalation notifications for delays at all stages, self-service facility for reward redemptions by contributors, view analytics to analyze and evaluate performance of speakup, grievance and suggestion schemes. Being SaaS based there is no upfront investment on infrastructure and no IT administration overhead too. Following are the 3 products under “iSuggestNow”.
There is a significantly pronounced emphasis on introduction of the Whistle Blower Scheme at both the corporate sector as well as the public sector organizations. “iSuggestNow” facilitates successful implementation of the ‘Whistle Blower’ (Speak-up) scheme/s. Since “iSuggestNow” is provided on Subscription basis and that too on the cloud, it can be implemented without any capital investment specifically for this system.
Anti-Harassment measures at work place are essential in view of women constituting a significant part of the work force. “iSuggestNow” facilitates successful implementation of the ‘Anti-Harassment at Work Place Scheme’. Since “iSuggestNow” is provided on Subscription basis and that too on the cloud, it can be implemented without any capital investment specifically for this system.
Innovative ideas are fundamental to successful businesses as all enterprises need fresh ideas to stay competitive. Employees of an organization are a rich source of practical ideas (suggestions) for improvement in all its aspects including development of new products, improvement in existing products, growth of market share, increase in productivity, reduction in costs, and so on. To foster “Creativity and Collaboration culture” organizations introduce ‘Suggestion Scheme’ that encourages all employees to contribute innovative ideas for improvement.
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